Customer care phone numbers* for the networks
If your phone has been lost you need to take urgent action.
Call 333 free from a Three phone or 0843 373 3333 from any other phone.
If your phone has been lost or stolen while travelling abroad, call +44 7782 333 333
Pay monthly customers, call 07973 100 150.
Pay as you go customers, call 07973 100 450.
Call 0844 8090 2020 (contract) or 08448090222 (PAYG)
Call 0845 412 5000 or +44 79539 66150 if calling from abroad.
Pay monthly and business customers:
Call Vodafone on 191 from another Vodafone mobile phone or 08700 700191 from a landline or +44 7836 191 191 if you are abroad.
Pay as you go customers:
Call 191 from another Vodafone mobile phone or 08700 776655 from a landline or +44 7836 191 919 if you are abroad.
Tesco Mobile
Call 0845 301 4455
Virgin Mobile
Call 0845 6000 789
*Note that many of these Customer Service numbers are 0870, 0845 or mobile and are charged at a higher rate than normal (01/02) landline calls. 0870/0845 calls can be around 10p/minute or more, though may be included in your 'free' call package. Check out the site Say No To 0870 for details of the landline equivalent to all these numbers (note that they may not connect in exactly the same way, but they are much cheaper and usually worth a try). That said - if you have lost your phone report it missing to your Network Operator ASAP on any number you can get hold of!